Journals, Journals, Everywhere!

If you're anything like me you have more than a handful of journals. 

Over the years I have bought journals (also referred to as notebooks) because they are beautiful. I've also bought then for specific uses like working on a project, our sharing fresh ideas or writing what's on my mind when I wake up. There are so many reasons to buy a notebook to put your special thoughts in. 

In the last few years, journals have become the gift du jour. I have been given journals for thank-you gifts, Christmas gifts and as swag at work and in conferences. This adds a few more journals to the pile. 

Then there are the purposeful journals. 

So far I have tried the 5 Minute journal and Stil. One was too focused on gratitude and the other was too much work to complete and left be thinking I was slacking off.

Along with the Daily Poz Journal these purposeful journals are designed to guide people down a path of capturing and perhaps organizing information. The purposes are kind of similar but the approach is different.

Think of a purposeful journal like a sweater, they all don't fit the same, they are different colours, fits, and textures and feel. 

So although there are many journals out there and you may have a stack yourself, the Daily Poz could be the perfect fit for you.

The Daily Poz Journal has been designed to try on with the 3 month starter version. We don't want you to over spend on something that may not fit ;)